Wednesday, 9 March 2011

To inspire and get inspired...

Last Monday all the FK participants presented their projects at the Development House in Oslo (Utviklingshuset). FK Norway published an article on their website about us. 

From the article:

Design for utvikling
Fredskorpserne som utveksles under fagområdet design, hadde en klar oppfordring i sin presentasjon.
- Vi må se design som et nødvendig verktøy for utvikling. Vi må bruke vår kunnskap og ferdigheter til å designe produkter som kan styrke levestandarden og gjøre sosiale utfordringer lettere for alle. Det trenger ikke enda en stol av estetiske årsaker, vi trenger design som virkelig gjør en forskjell, sier Valeria Gaitain, fra Universidad Rafael Landivar i Guatemala. Gaitain skal jobbe et år som produktdesigner i Norge, for Norsk Form.

Prosjektleder i Design uten grenser, Marianne G. Boye, snakket videre om produkter som allerede er skapt gjennom tidligere Fredskorpsutvekslinger, og understreket at designere må fortsette denne positive utviklingen av livsnødvendig design.

In english:
Design for Development
FK participants exchanged in the field of design, had a clear message in their presentation.
-We need to see design as a necessary tool for development. We must use our knowledge and skills to design products that can enhance the standard of living and make social challenges easier for everyone. We do not need another "design chair" for aesthetic reasons, we need designs that really make a difference, said Valeria Gaitain, from Universidad Rafael Landivar in Guatemala. Gaitain be working a year as a product designer in Norway, through The Foundation for Design and Architecture in Norway.

Project Manager of Design without Borders, Marianne G. Boye, spoke about products that have already been created by former FK exchanges, and stressed that designers need to continue this positive us of design for development.

Read the full article here (in Norwegian only...).
We tried to inspire with our presentation, and we also got inspired. This video was presented by the "environment group" at the FK course as part of their project work. It really inspired me. See it, think and feel! It also has very nice music, by Coldplay.

Hope it can inspire you too!

Friday, 4 March 2011

Pinapple preview, digital storytelling and FK course goodbye...

Since I unfortunately came to delete all my blog entries, I have to "rebuild" them. So first of all: the picture inspiration for my project in Uganda. The pineapple preview:

Then, I had a picture of the FK course participants, what I called "Mini UN". We had some amazing 3 weeks, that didn't feel long at all. Great people, miss them already.

Yesterday, the second last day of the course, we had a session in Digital Storytelling. It was great, and everybody made really interesting movies. Kim, one of my FK colleagues, made this video that I really love. Enjoy it:

Goodbye lovely FK colleagues! Wish you all the best in the exciting time coming. Enjoy Thailand, Nepal, Cambodia, China, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Norway!

I have a few other highlights from the course that I would like to share with you, will get back to that shortly.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Blogging challenges...

Well done! My first week of blogging, and I find out how to delete all my blog posts... So, here it is - empety! And I have no back up of the posts. Well, I guess that is part of the learning process. I will try to "reconstruct" it as good as I can. Sorry for deleting the comments I had gotten so far. Hope you will cope with me.